View in outline mode — note the screengrabs of outline view I posted above, and please read the thread on processing a complex SVG which I linked.
fusion has a sketch checker add in that will show you where the gaps are
Something similar came up in our CNC group meeting last month, but I noted few details of it as I just could not write that fast. But, here are the basics of him separating a wine glass, the wine poured into the glass, and the wine splashing out of it. Using GIMP you use layers, do a transparency to show ONLY the item you want to copy, copy that and ISOLATE it on a new layer named for that object. Once isolated you have all the parts and pieces separated and can then work on them from there. I don’t know if I can get the presentation file but I’ll try and get back to you with that.
I have to practice the layer aspect it makes things way cleaner and easier to trace I imagine. I’m definitely going to look into this.
Here are some Instructions from a member of our Kokomo group, slightly modified by me. It looks like a lot of work and I haven’t totally completed a graphic yet, however, being familiar with graphic pkgs you shouldn’t have a problem following the steps. And the Instructions are set up for beginners too! Jesse
by Mike Wolochuk February 26, 2020
Slightly modified and graphics dropped out - by J. Glessner - March 01, 2020
- Open gimp
- Drag picture into GIMP
- Save the picture
- Go to Image, Scale Image. Change x and y resolution to 300 and select scale. This will increase the density of Picture
- Most pictures can be cropped to remove unwanted material. Select Rectangular Selection tool ® and select the area you want to save. The corners can be used to adjust the size. Once you are satisfied with the selection, select Image, Crop to selection.
- Now the work begins.
- Double click on Layer name and change to “Org”
- Right Click on Org Layer and select Add Alpha Channel
- Duplicate the Layer: Right Click on the Layer and select Duplicate Layer. Make sure it is the activate layer. It will have a black background. If not click on the anywhere on the layer and it will become the active layer.
- Double click on “Org Copy” and change to “Isolate”
- Turn the eye on the Org layer off by clicking on it
- Right click on Isolate Layer and select Add Layer Mask. Click on Add.
- Click in the white area to make sure it is the active focus
- We now going to do a non-destructive erase. This is done using a paint brush and painting either Black (erase) or white (restore) in the white (mask area).
- Select Tools, Paint Tools, Paint Brush or shortcut P. Hardness should be 100. Brush size can via the menu or the [ (smaller) and ] (larger) keys. To change from black to white select the swop icon or X key. To zoom in and out, press Z and use the + and – keys. If you take too much paint with the white to get it back.
- The final will look like this:
- We need to cleanup any missed areas. Duplicate the layer, rename it to Isolate Cleanup, and turnoff the isolate eye. Select the wand tool. Select the mask area (mostly black). Antialiasing and select transparent areas needs to be selected. Now select anywhere there is nothing on the picture. The drawing should be highlighted.
- We need to eliminate the spots shown. Select SELECT, Invert or Ctrl I to invert the selection. Select paint § and paint over the missed areas. This should eliminate the missed areas. To verify, select the wand tool and click into an empty area. It will take several iterations to remove missed spots. Do the Ctrl I invert and paint § any missed areas.
- Once cleaned up, duplicate the layer and rename it to Merge. Right click and select Merge Layers.
- Duplicate the layer and rename to Fill with Black. Select the wand and click into an empty area. Select Ctrl I to Invert. Select Tools, Paint Tools, Bucket Fill or Ctrl B.
- Now click on picture area. Finally, Select SELECT, None to remove the selected area.
- We are done except for exporting this image. Select File, Export. The default Type Picture is PNG which I recommend. PNG will maintain an empty background where as a JPG will default to white.
- The picture is now ready for Milling
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