I’ve been trying a couple 3D Cuts the last couple days and I’m coming up missing something with the height of the 3D object intruding above the surface more than just a fraction or lettering or whatever it is ?
What am missing?
I’ve Tried adjusting everything and just keep failing!!! Need help please! Thanks Todd[Processing: IMG_5707.home
Processing: IMG_5608.jpeg…
Please upload the .c2d file and let us know step-by-step how you are securing your stock and setting zero relative to it and managing all tool changes and a photo showing the machine at the zero position, or a specified offset from that position.
This is not an Issue with how I hold the piece of wood to the Bed of the Table! The Piece doesn’t and hasn’t moved at all! This is all How I’m setting up the files and tool paths? Thanks Todd
How are you creating the 3D model? Within CC, or importing a STL or Heightmap?
If the shape is protruding above the workpiece surface, you need to import/create it with a smaller height.
Can you share the .c2d file, and describe how the 3D object was created?
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