3D roughing continuation

Hi guys!

I am working on a 3D roughing pass that takes about 8 hours. Once this is complete, let’s say i want to adjust the “stock to leave” from 40% to 30%.

Without waiting 8 hours for the whole thing to complete again, is there a way to have it pick up where it left off? With pocket cuts for example, I just adjust the starting depth to be the last cuts end depth. Does 3D roughing work the same way?

No. 3D rough has no start depth. Or it’s fixed at the top of the stock.

You could do a semi-finish.
Program a finish cut with larger stepovers, then raise your Z zero by the stock you want to leave.

If the model has a lot of near vertical faces, you could add a flat component to model the stock you want to leave.

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Or, you could divide it into regions and cut those separately.


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