3Form Chroma plastic sheets

I have a chance to get some of this material, in various thickness and colors. Anyone tried to do any CNC work with any of this product?


Is it just colored acrylic?

That is what it appears to be. The company itself does a lot of imbedded designs layered into it, but these sheets are solid colors in various thicknesses.

I’m wondering if a design is cut into it and then lit like a clear acrylic would be, if it would show up or not.

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How thick are the sheets? Maybe layer a few for a cool effect.

I’m sure it would because of how that works. Seems like an expensive way to get that edge lit sign look. How big are the pieces you can get?

From their spec sheet. It should pass light very well.


I don’t see chemical composition, the the mechanical properties suggest it’s a “Hard Plastic” similar to acrylic, but polymerized like a HDPE, Poly-pro, acetate…

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There are different thickness between 1/4" to 1" and from 4x4’ to 4x8’ long.
I might be able to get about 10 sheets for under $100.

That sound like a bargain if you can use and store them. It also sounds heavy.

3Form products are marketed as LightArt. The company is owned by Hunter Douglas which supplies the Architectural world . Architecture - Hunter Douglas Group

Hunter Douglas is in the Window covering/treatment businesses for commercial products.
They seem active in developing products.


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