.5" collet on Shapeoko 4 XXL?


I’m quite new to this and just got my Shapeoko 4 XXL up and running. I’ve done some janky plotter drawing with a sharpie rubber banded to the router (with the router off, of course). I had a blast doing it so I upgraded to a Widget Works CNC Plotter Pen Bit, which just arrived in the mail. I realize now the new bit requires a half-inch collet. Can the Shapeoko compact router support a half-inch collet? I see that Carbide doesn’t sell them.

Thanks so much!

The largest collet for the Carbide Compact Router is 8mm for a precision one:


or 3/8" for a tiny ring from Makita which is best suited to using accessories such as a dial indicator:

To get to 1/2" you need to replace the Carbide Compact Router w/ a much larger router (the greater diameter increases lever effects) or a spindle w an ER-20 collet — which wants an HDZ and an 80mm spindle mount — we should have one available some time after the HDM ships.

For a plotter ONLY, you could buy or make a coupler.
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