5 pro 4x4 jog to center... How about center of work area?

My question is this:

I am trying to drill a bunch of holes in my spoilboard for dogs. I found a file already made for that so it saves me some work, however it calls for a zero of the center of the work area, however there seems to be no good way to automatically jog to the center of the slats to set zero. Jogging to the center in carbide motion actually takes you to the machine center which happens to be much higher than the middle of the slats. Sure I can measure out 24.5" up from the T-Track, but is there a more precise or easy way to go about this?

You you could use the jog rapid positions to move to the center position. Otherwise just use a ruller long enough to reach across the two diagonals. The center position may not be the exact center of the cutting area but it will be close and it is easy to get there with the rapid positions.

You will want to jog to the extreme 4 corners and make a mark to set up your diagonals. The amount of area you can jog is not the extreme the machine can actually reach but there wont be much more before you reach the mechanical stops.

The proximity switches are pretty accurate but each time you home you could be off by a few thousands. That is just the nature of proximity switches.

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