5 Pro Maintenance Guide

Is there a maintenance guide somewhere? At least something for the HDM? I’ve seen posts talking about the need to oil, etc but can’t find any information or diagrams on that at all. Old posts here had C3D employees saying they were creating one but I can’t find it if it exists.


Have you seen:



Thank you, Will. I had not seen that and couldn’t find it when searching either.

Now, I’m hoping someone can post a pic or diagram of this part as I have no idea where these service areas are located:

HG-15 Linear Bearing Block Maintenance

  1. Open oil port by removing the M4 grub screw.
  2. Using a pipette, put 3-4 drops of oil into the port.
  3. Replace grub screw.
  4. After all bearing blocks are lubricated, jog the axis back and forth in Carbide Motion to distribute the oil.

Not the same Z you have but check this link

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