I ordered a ball nose bit (Amana, very expensive) not realizing it had a 6 mm shank. Is it possible to get a 6 mm collet for the compact router on a Shapeoko 5?
Elaire Corp. sells a number of sizes, including 6mm:
Got the one Will recommended. Thanks, just what I needed.
The 6MM and 1/4" are close in size. However as you noticed they are not the same. So dont try to use a 1/4" collet for a 6MM and vice versa. Even on spindles with ER collets you should have the correct size collet for the router bit shank. You dont want flying spinning router bits.
Yes, the stock collet is available in 6mm size in metric locales.
No, it’s not precision machined, and therefore has more runout than one would want and won’t cut as well.
One doesn’t necessarily need to buy from Elaire Corp., but one does want a collet which is described in terms of being precision made, and it should have low runout for best results.
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