Just wondering what the difference is between the essentials #302E bit and the #302 60 degree bit besides price?
Country of origin and price.
60 degrees is 60 degrees so that is the same no matter which bit you use. I did not check the specs but the depth of the v groove could be different and you could buy 3rd party ones that carve deeper. Remember that a simple vcarve the vee bit goes down the center between the lines. You should always use bottom of material in the tool path to get a proper carve. Limiting the depth on a simple vcarve can cause weird looking letters and carves. If you need to limit depth due to thickness of material use advanced vcarve. A flat end mill can be used to clean up flat areas and the vee bit will go around the perimeter of items. If the areas for the flat end mill are too small in advanced vcarve the end mill will never be called and only the vee bit. On some things you may only get a few small areas that the flat end mill will fit into but those areas too small will be carved out by the vee bit.
For larger vcarving a 90/60 work well. As the objects get smaller or the lines are fine use a 30/20/15 degree vee bit. Using a 90 or even a 60 vee bit on fine lines will barely scratch the surface. That is where I use a 15 degree bit.
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