65mm VFD and Spindle For Sale (Update for Price/Location)

I have the 65mm VFD spindle kit but now that the 80mm has been released I want to move in that direction since most of my bits are 1/2". The spindle and VFD have never been used, I am nearing the end of the build on my Shapeoko 5 Pro and table, never got to the point of using the spindle, so it is practically new.

Please let me know if you are interested.

Wyatt Erminger

how much are asking for it & where are you located?

I am looking at $700 OBO, it is brand new, never used. Located in Louisiana.

I’m highly motivated to sell as I want to make that transition to the 80mm spindle before completing the machine build.

I will take all offers into consideration, I need to keep moving on the machine build.

At this point I will take $600.

FYI, new spindles are on sale in C3D store at the moment.

That’s why I dropped. They’re $650 plus S/H and tax. I’m offering mine for $600 shipped.

I’m a beginner and am looking to get a used Pro. I keep reading and am noticing that a lot of people prefer the spindles so I’m also keeping an eye out for a deal on a used one. Somewhere I read that it is best to pair a spindle with an HDZ. Is that right? I’ll have to see if the used Pro I’m looking at has the HDZ…I’m guessing not since it comes with a router. Thx

From personal experience the C3D 65MM air cooled spindle works very well with the Z-Plus. I’ve had no issue at all with that setup on a Shapeoko 3.

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The HDZ is an option on the S3/4/Pro.

It is bundled with the HDM and SO5 Pro.

The HDZ is better suited to heavier spindles since it has a ball-screw which has a greater load rating. It can be added as an upgrade to other machines if desired.

Many of our customers start with a trim router on an Z-Plus, and quite a lot of them stay with that setup (sometimes adding a BitRunner).

I have a water cooled 65mm spindle on a Pro with the Z Plus and it has worked fine so far, but to be fair I have only cut a few projects with it.

It has occasionally lowered when the power is off to the machine, but not always. In operation it is fine.


I did respond to your DM.

I still have my unused 65mm air cooled spindle and VFD controller.

Wyatt, I just bought a used Pro so I’m still figuring everything out. Do the 65mm spindles not take 1/2" bits? I’m trying to understand why people select the 80mm over the 65mm or the 65mm over the 80mm.


The Carbide 3D 65mm VFD spindle has an ER-11 collet which goes up to just a bit larger than 8mm (0.315"–0.295").

The 80mm Carbide 3D VFD spindle has an ER-20 collet which goes up past 1/2" (9/16" 0.5625–0.5235").

Note that these numbers may depend on the selected vendor.

I’m going the route of the 80mm because of 1/2" bit size, I have a massive amount of bits that I used to throw in routers, and also the job speed that comes with the larger spindle.

Walt, i just bought a 2.2 kw 220 v g-penny 80 mm spindle kit with 4 bearing ( ceramic bearings) water cooled for my shapeko 3 xl. The kit had the vfd, water pump and 80 mm bracket, collets etc. Well, after getting this, it appears to be a foolish error on my part. Why i went with the the 2.2 to replace the makita router, it was a mistake. Too heavy for thus machine from wise commenters. None of the was installed. Too much for this shapeko model handle this tape / belt drive .

So I’ve got for sale or trade the 2.2 spindle, believe i can use the vfd with any spindle, so willing to consider a trade for the spindle for a 1.2 kw water cooled 65 mm, alternatively the whole kit can go.

Comments are welcome. Tom

I’m interested in picking up this VFD spindle pkg. Let me know if it’s still available

Are you responding to my offer for the 65MM package?

Spindle package still for sale, unused and unspun one revolution. $600 + S/H. I want to make the move to the 80MM and not have to relearn feeds/speeds. Motivated to sell ASAP.