I have the 65mm VFD spindle kit but now that the 80mm has been released I want to move in that direction since most of my bits are 1/2". The spindle and VFD have never been used, I am nearing the end of the build on my Shapeoko 5 Pro and table, never got to the point of using the spindle, so it is practically new.
I’m a beginner and am looking to get a used Pro. I keep reading and am noticing that a lot of people prefer the spindles so I’m also keeping an eye out for a deal on a used one. Somewhere I read that it is best to pair a spindle with an HDZ. Is that right? I’ll have to see if the used Pro I’m looking at has the HDZ…I’m guessing not since it comes with a router. Thx
The HDZ is better suited to heavier spindles since it has a ball-screw which has a greater load rating. It can be added as an upgrade to other machines if desired.
Many of our customers start with a trim router on an Z-Plus, and quite a lot of them stay with that setup (sometimes adding a BitRunner).
Wyatt, I just bought a used Pro so I’m still figuring everything out. Do the 65mm spindles not take 1/2" bits? I’m trying to understand why people select the 80mm over the 65mm or the 65mm over the 80mm.
I’m going the route of the 80mm because of 1/2" bit size, I have a massive amount of bits that I used to throw in routers, and also the job speed that comes with the larger spindle.
Walt, i just bought a 2.2 kw 220 v g-penny 80 mm spindle kit with 4 bearing ( ceramic bearings) water cooled for my shapeko 3 xl. The kit had the vfd, water pump and 80 mm bracket, collets etc. Well, after getting this, it appears to be a foolish error on my part. Why i went with the the 2.2 to replace the makita router, it was a mistake. Too heavy for thus machine from wise commenters. None of the was installed. Too much for this shapeko model handle this tape / belt drive .
So I’ve got for sale or trade the 2.2 spindle, believe i can use the vfd with any spindle, so willing to consider a trade for the spindle for a 1.2 kw water cooled 65 mm, alternatively the whole kit can go.
Spindle package still for sale, unused and unspun one revolution. $600 + S/H. I want to make the move to the 80MM and not have to relearn feeds/speeds. Motivated to sell ASAP.