80mm HDZ Spindle Mount

I am checking to see if anyone has a CAD drawing of the 80mm HDZ spindle mount. I am trying to design a new dust boot that runs vertically so my laser can stay mounted in front and remain undisturbed by the Sweepy v2.0. I have checked the forums and the only other post gets into the measurements of a mounting plate, not the spindle mount itself.

Obviously, I have a mount, but I recently spent a lot of time squaring and zeroing everything on my Shapeoko Pro, and I don’t really want to disassemble the spindle mount again for measurements, but I will if I need to. Therefore, I thought I would pose the question to the Shapeoko community because Carbide support won’t send me a drawing. I guess it’s an industry secret or something.

Anyway, if someone has a CAD drawing of the 80mm HDZ spindle mount, I would appreciate it if I could get a copy. If not, thanks for reading this post.