We’re used to that, over here!
True… Brits almost smile when they realise there’s a queue to join.
And nothing pulls brits together faster than a defector trying to jump the queue…
Reading these comments early in the morning, with ADHD, and a sick sense of humor, sends my mind to dark places. As I read about the different kinds of joints described, based on the box, it reminded me of shop class. Then I start wondering if Egyptians had shop class, and if their shop teacher had all of his fingers. Or perhaps I just need coffee.
A man after my own heart! But for me is doesn’t have to be a certain time of day.
Differently a dovetail joint as you can se the slight angle of the tails. If it were box joints, one might expect some form of spike or peg to hole the box together. Remember the task of a dove tail is to old the box together without any other form of fastener.
It looks like the other joinery in the box has held together quite well also. Check out the edge gluing of the boards.
And speaking of those boards, HOW did they manufacture those 4,000 years ago? That had to be a real chore in itself!
Also, being so well made I’m surprised there were no carvings on the box!
Squaring stock back then would have been a matter of winding sticks and hand planes.
Winding sticks are still a valuable workshop aid. I use them frequently as I prepare stock either by hand or with a powered jointer. Especially when working on longer pieces such as the stiles for doors. Makes it very easy to check for twist before starting on the joinery of the door.
My most commonly used pair are made from a 6’ length of aluminum angle extrusion I cut in half. You can make them from wood too but this was an expedient solution. A bit of blue-tape on one of them gives me the contrast I need to see the twist.
Don’t let them fool you! they got that box at a farmers market in Alabama and are just testing to see who notices.