A random box from ancient times

I was at the Louvre museum with family over the week-end, and came to realize that Egyptians used box joints 4000 years ago.

Considering the treasures showcased in the Egyptian gallery at the Louvre, the fact that I was immediately drawn to that simple box speaks volumes about the level of my CNC/woodworking addiction :sweat_smile:


 no dovetails?!? Uncivilized creatures. Their craftsmanship was simply amazing.

I would love to visit the Louvre.


Julien you are definitely sick. You go to one of the most famous museums in the world where the Mona Lisa by Leonardo DaVinci hangs. There are impressionist, Dutch Masters, modernists, cubists and all the other genres that represent the most beautiful art work in the world and you are drawn to a box. There are statues of naked people in there.

you have inhaled too much sawdust and it is now in your blood. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Well me too!



I’m with Julien on this one.

For the cubist, modernists and impressionist I admit to needing some explanation. A box, even an old one, I get.



Box joints or dovetails?

It looks to me like there’s a very slight angle to the pins and tails.


At this point in my life I think I would be interested in the ancient box more than some painted woman or naked presentation of some woman in marble in some other part of the building. Just spent a day at Disneyland, relational, a lot of good looking women around and I was holding my wife’s hand. One at home is better than a thousand I can view at the park or museum.
(This box kind of appears to be some of my earlier [last week’s] work.)

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Quite possibly a dovetail, since Google tells me “queues d’arondes” translates to “dovetail” (I have a hard time remembering the English names for the various joinery techniques, let alone remembering their associated French names too


It’s not just you, I went to Ham House

and the main thing that interested me, after the wood panelling which had clearly seen several generations of craftsperson & tools was the Queen’s brass & wood travelling jewellergy strong box



Aren’t those called Finger Joints? Have I been using the wrong terminology all this time? :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I thought someone had called them Box Joints.
My Sincerest Apology! No offence intended

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I’ve done both:

Heck, I thought I’d get some SWAG when receiving my SPXXL.
All I got was some little stickers.

Just kidding (a little) :innocent: :rofl: :joy:

I visited Paris in 2007 to do just that - but the queue of bloody tourists (:rofl:) prevented that from happening! So we walked to the Cathedrale Notre-Dame instead!


I detest waiting in lines; I would have done the same haha.

The Vatican has a pretty impressive stash of antiquities as well whilst you’re travelling.

I had not thought you would be able to get that close to things from ancient Egypt but the Italians are quite, Italian, about such things :wink:


Back in 2007 I visited Egypt (in that short period of time when it was not a risky thing to do) and was both amazed by the temples, extremely surprised that one could get so close to things, and furious about the behavior of some of the other tourists (as in, scratching some 4000 years old paint on a wall with their fingernail to see if it came off ? what ?..). They had not yet installed acrylic panes everywhere


 at least when one is searching for moulding & shaper tooling)

Box joints are for the corners (of a box).

Finger joints are the spline joint used to make long boards from short ones. Looks like two sets of straight fingers interspaced.


Speaking of museums, if you’re ever in Southern California, this is better than Disneyland!

Whenever I see a project like this from @RichCournoyer I find myself revising their website:


The raison d’ĂȘtre behind Sloyd instruction is pertinent:

Students may never pick up a tool again, but they will forever have the knowledge of how to make and evaluate things with your hand and your eye and appreciate the labor of others.

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So true.

The hours spent in slĂžyd classes making boot jacks, step-stools, cutting boards, wooden cups and other miscellaneous wooden and metal items, sure has made me appreciate others craftsmanship so much more.

Still have a 1980’s Sjöbergs bench in the basement.