A test CNC project

Test1a.c2d (1.7 MB)

Can you please extract this to a G-code file! I would like to test VCarving

If you are using Carbide Motion (CM) to run a Carbide 3D machine you do not need to convert to code, CM will run it using the c2d file.

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I have pro and saved the gcode.

saved_gcode.nc (1.0 MB)

C3D has a website you can go to save your .c2d file as gcode.


that will save individual tool paths. If you have a 3rd party machine without Bitsetter here is a site to convert an advanced vcarve to two tool paths. You would need to save the advanced vcarve as gcode and then enter it to get two tool paths.


Iā€™m using a Genmitsu machine, which does require G-Code. It seems to be very difficult to extract G-code from the c2d files. Can I have some help with this?

Thank you so much! I have spent hours trying to get this to work, so I am very appreciative of your kindness!

The expectation of folks who do not have a Carbide 3D machine is that they will purchase a Pro license: