I need to make some pretty intricate shapes for an upcoming project, and it seems to me that if I:
prototype using Lego bricks, w/ color-coding for dimensions (so every 5th brick is grey, every 10th black)
set up a a Carbide Create file which has the grid set to 8mm (the basic size of a 1-stud brick in XY), and draw in grey and dark grey rectangles along the appropriate columns and rows
it should then be pretty easy to lay things out and work up the design, one layer at a time, drawing the shapes which need to be cut away based on the grid scheme — hopefully it will be more precise than photographing against a grid, and it argues that one could make a Lego frame for photographing against a Lego grid to make that easier.
I need to do the prototyping in the context of real world objects — if I had 3D models of all the things I’m working on this wouldn’t be an issue.
Ah, I guess it becomes a question of the 8mm XY “pixel” resolution being good enough for whatever you’re doing.
You mentioned photographing - telecentric lenses are typically used in machine vision applications where you care about getting a CAD-like view of objects.