I’d like to build an 8020 sub-frame and want the x extrusions I use to be flush with the outside face of the current steel frame so I can add a reinforcing plate to the frame “tab” that supports the y-extrusions . This means my y lengths need to be precise so I don’t end up with [much] of an over/underhang.
I wondered if anyone knows the definitive extrusion rail measurements for the SO3? I inherited @LiamN’s CAD, which has the y rails for an XXL at 1016mm.
I wondered if anyone else has measured with something better than a tape measure or has historical data directly from C3D?
I found this post, but I don’t know why @KUFNUKEM thought the x rail was 1010mm or how @snaterst knew to correct it to 1016mm.
I asked C3D support and they said they don’t share CAD drawings except these, which are just the wasteboard sizes/hole patterns. I followed up by asking for just the values, but haven’t heard back.
If folks call out their machine, measurements, and how they obtained them, I could build a handy table here as a community reference for anyone looking to modify things. I’ll be building a CAD model for the XL (leveraging as much of @LiamN 's XXL as possible), which I’m also happy to share when I’m done.
Ha, well, I admit that searching the wayback machine for a non-existent site to find out what’s “as noted” for machine specs… did not occur to me. Is there a reason that’s not maintained anymore? Couldn’t it be migrated to a new home?
The Shapeoko wiki is off-line because the person hosting it moved.
Moreover, it suffered from my (ab)using it as my personal notebook and has a lot of dead links and problematic information, since much of it dates back to the Shapeoko 1 and we no longer make SO3s — if there’s some specific information from it which warrants being updated, let us know and we’ll see about adding it at: