Add Shape Model to Toolpath

Okay - I’m making a ravioli press which means I have a board that needs a bowl indentation.

My $6mil question is- how do I get it from the Model tab to toolpaths and which toolpaths to use with a bowl bit? Each bowl bit used leaves scalloping - so missing the middle of the bowl to stick up like a nipple.


and note that if the “Bowl Bit” has a flat bottom, it won’t be modeled in 3D correctly, but see:

If it is fully rounded, it should work to enter as a ball-nose.

If you’ll upload your file we may be better able to advise.

offcutnco.c2d (168 KB)

Your file has no 3D paths. You need to model each “bowl” similarly to the first, and assign toolpaths to all of them. Stepover should be less than 10% of the tool dia.
Are you using a true “bowl” (bullnosed) cutter, or a ballnosed cutter?
A bullnose will leave a flat at the bottom of each cavity.

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Okay - this is awesome information. I have amended the tools. Tell me all your thoughts on it.
offcutncoREV.c2d (476 KB)

Getting there! :slight_smile: I would recommend using the largest ball mill you have to finish the cups.
Stepover should be 10% of the tool dia. or less.

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