(Liam Newcombe)
October 24, 2020, 3:50pm
Have a search of the old posts on the forum here.
There’s been quite a bit of discussion about this, including adding extra return springs etc.
I’m looking to upgrade, to a spindle.
Do I need an HDZ upgrade, or will the stock z axis do the job? I have no plans for anything other than wood, and am wanting something a little quieter, than the router.
Is water cooled worth the hassle dealing with water, or is air cooled sufficient?
I’ve got one of the original SO3s running a Dewalt 611 router. I’ve been noodling with the idea of upgrading to a spindle… mostly for wanting to mill aluminum to make some fixtures.
I was mulling over water cooled VFD 1.5 vs 2.2 kW spindles. I don’t have 240V readily available so I was leaning towards the 1.5 kW spindle. Of course it sure would be nice to get ter ER 20 collet for 1/2" shank mills…
And then I found out about belt driven spindles and cheap straight shank collet extenders (~$14).…
Hi all,
with the standard springs for the Z axis that came with my SO3, the Z axis sags about 2 cm down if my spindle is mounted. The spindle is a Kress 1040 that more people have used successfully if I look into the forum. Is that a particular problem with my springs or do other people have the same issue? Is there documentation about the standard springs that would allow the selection of a stronger replacement spring?
Best regards,
My opinion is, don’t spend your money on a spindle without at least going to the Z+
The belt driven Z has so much deflection that even if you do get the spindle mounted and operating properly you’ll get no benefit (other than reduced noise if you go water cooled).