Adding 4th axis to Nomad 3

Hey All,

I’d like to clean up and mill rings that have been cast in precious metal and am wondering if it’s possible to add a 4th axis to my Nomad 3? Something plug and play ideally.
Also, what software could one use for CAMing these rings?

I found a couple of old threads about this but nothing current.

Thanks in advance!

Aearhing rhe carbide3s forum will yield you and answer that there is plug and play option.

For example:
Nomad 3 Possible 4th Axis? - #3 by Moded1952?

If it’s to get a smooth finish then make a jig to hold your cast ring and and do a contour pass around the outside, probably edge in diameter a little at a time

To engrave a ring then i would consider a fibre laser with a rotary attachment. They are not cheap but are cheaper than they once were and very effective.

Hey Andy, thanks for your suggestions.

When you say make a jig to hold the ring, do you mean so it’s held in a horizontal position?
If the ring is domed or has ridges in it, what software would I use to machine it?

THank you!

Yes, jig for horizontal holding.

You will only be able to mill from above. So if domed shapes, if i understand you, would require double sided milling.

You could mill a ring end on, vertical, in a jig but only a small distance.

I would model the ring in blender or houdini (my tools of choice). I would then make tool paths in vcarvePro (my tool of choice for 2.5d or 3d carves). Using very fine ballnose bit.

I have milled rings and bangles but not from casts. I Milled flat or pressed a milled brass negative into silver then made the ring or bangle. My biggest issue here was getting a flat enough piece of silver as i was milling less than 0.3mm deep using 0.5mm bits or smaller. Any variance in the silver from being prepared played havoc on the outcome or busted the bit. Some milage with vbits but they are also senstive to material being flat.

Work holding small bits of silver so as to not have lots of expensive scrap isnt easy.

Thanks for all the info Andy. This method does sound very involved though and I was really hoping a more straightforward, lathe-type option using the 4th axis. Will still give your method a go!

It is tricky. Also note that to engrave bangles on the nomad i had to place them at 45 degrees on the diagonal.


Could someone on the Carbide team make any suggestions?

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