Adding a pause to wait for spindle to gain speed

Is there a way to add a G code line at the beginning of a pass to wait for aprox 20 sec while the spindle gets up to speed? I know I can add this in G-code after its saved as a NC file… but I would like it to be a automatic part of each file created… Is there or could there be a way to add small snippets of G-code to the beginning of exported files??
(I have a Openbuilds OXE with a programmable spindle)

What software are you using?

With CC / CM. there is no way to add a preamble to your GCode.

If your stock and bed-size allow, you could create a small feature off the stock, then have a pocket on that. Change the size / depth of the pocket to get the amount of time you like. It’s all air cutting, your spindle should be up to speed by the time it’s done.

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I like that! I’ve been starting my jobs a good foot or more away from the starting engage to allow the spindle to get up to speed.

I’ve noticed there is a “posts” folder in the data directory for CC. Makes me wonder if we could create/edit posts???

If you have Carbide Create Pro it may be possible to have a custom post-processor worked up. Write in to support and we will see what can be done.

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