Adding cutting tools to library

How do I add cutting tools to my tool list library?

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thanks, I have it down now. works good.

After you get your tool added you can edit more by opening your CC application. In the “Help” menu select “About” and then “Open Data Directory”. From there choose “Carbide Create” and then “Tools”. There you will find the custom tool library you created earlier. If you open your newly created library in a spreadsheet application you can add more parameters or just look at what is available. When you are through editing then be sure to save the file as “.csv” file. That is a comma delimited text file. Do not save the file in the spreadsheet native format because CC cannot read anything but a .csv file.

Here are my fly cutter tools.

601 whiteside 6210 Fly Cutter end 1 0 0.25 0 2 3 0.25 0 10 80 16000 0.01 1 35 80 16000
602 Sugelary X002JUT7TF Fly Cutter end 1 0 0.25 0 2 3 0.25 0 10 100 16000 0.01 1 35 80 16000

Here is my Frued Key Hole bit

number vendor model URL name type diameter cornerradius flutelength shaftdiameter angle numflutes stickout coating metric notes machine material plungerate feedrate rpm depth cutpower finishallowance 3dstepover 3dfeedrate 3drpm
701 Freud 70-104 Keyhole end 0.39 0 0.25 0.25 0 2 0 Shapeoko Hardwood 10 60 16000 0.4375 0 60 16000

The Key Hole is a special tool path added to CC. You have to create the depth of cut to be a single plunge to full depth. Most bits the depth of cut is a few thousands and the bit makes multiple passes to achieve your total depth. The key hole is different due to the nature of the cut. The bit makes a full depth plunge then moves forward to create the bottom of the key hole.

Here is my Groovee Jenny 60 Degree Vee Bit

number vendor model URL name type diameter cornerradius flutelength shaftdiameter angle numflutes stickout coating metric notes machine material plungerate feedrate rpm depth cutpower finishallowance 3dstepover 3dfeedrate 3drpm
702 Cadance Mfg Groovee Jenny Groovee Jenny vee 0.375 0 0.375 0.25 60 3 1.5 0 Shaepoko Hardwood 20 35 18000 0.08 0.08 2 35 18000

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