I am using carbide create pro with my CNC and doing an inlay. This process uses 2 bits but in one tool path. I am using Gsender to communicate with the cnc as I am working on a Mac so can’t use the Carbide program.
Will the Machine pause when it is time to change the bit?
Carbide Motion works on PC and Mac as long as you are attached to a C3D Shapeoko/Nomad. If using a 3rd party machine and it does not have a BitSetter then you cannot do Advanced Vcarve in V6 or V7 Carbide Motion. As you stated the tool path has 2 tools and only one tool path. A 3rd party machine without a BitSetter cannot do that. However a github site has a website to extract advanced vcarve single tool path to two tool paths.
This was made on earlier versions of CC with gcode files. If using v7 CC then C3D has a website to extract the gcode from the .c2d file or the pro version can extract separate gcode file. https://my.carbide3d.com/extractgcode/
Thanks all. I don’t have a Shapeoko/Nomad hence my issue with using motion. Thanks for the 2 solutions though. I have downloaded the beta of CC8 and that separates the toolpaths.