Advice on cutting sideways in wood with Dremel T-slot cutter

I’ll give the dremel tool a try first to see if it works. They’re quite cheap cutters, but there might be a reason for that :stuck_out_tongue:.

That sure isn’t a lot to take at a time. I’m not sure whether it would be best to leave 1mm along the whole line as you say or whether to create full-width tabs. What do you think will work best when it comes to stopping the piece of wood from vibrating? Sawing off the tabs or line with a Japanese saw, in the end, seems like a good idea though.

I’ve been thinking about this solution as well, but sawing off the piece with an undercut saw would be much easier in this case. So I’m gonna give that a try before I go on to other solutions.

The underside needs to be relatively smooth and dimensions need to be relatively accurate. It’s for an updated model of a jewelry box that I posted about earlier in this forum: Advice on my first real project (jewelry box made from wood) - #11 by holgersindbaek. This specific part is the frame that goes around the mirror. So the side that the undercutter will cut off, is the side that’s pressed up against the mirror.