Alibre Apology MSG

@robgrz and @WillAdams I just wanted to take a moment to apologize. And since I made the claim on a public post, I figured I should apologize publicly.

I had previously stated that I did not receive the registration code for the Alibre free trial with the Shapeoko I purchased a year ago. Well, about that time, my life got really chaotic for a while, and I guess it must have just gotten lost in the shuffle without my noticing. I recently relocated my workshop and CNC table. In the process I discovered my, now expired, Alibre Atom free trial card.

So, I apologize for claiming that I did not, in fact receive it. I have received nothing but amazing customer service from the Carbide Team.

That is all. Sorry for wasting the time of anyone who thought this might be more interesting.


Sorry to hear about this — Alibre has recently offered Workshop and some sales — perhaps you could contact them?

No harm done. I’ve spent more time interacting with the Alibre guys than anyone and they great. I think the product is a solid too, but it’s nice to have a “real” CAD package backed by actual, normal people.


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