I’ve come to the conclusion that I think the end mill may have been damaged when I got it. It was an Amazon purchase, and the closer I look at it (albeit without a magnifying glass) the more I think there is some tip damage. This thread is definitely enlightening though since I ran a few more tests with my .02" tapered ball nose end mill and got really good results at about 40 IPM at 10k.
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Look at the endmill under magnification. You simply can’t get very far without a good look at what you’ve done to any endmill (even larger ones) - the cut I see here says rubbing and loading, maybe even broken tip. A little lubrication goes a long way too - 99% alcohol works great for this - just a few drops at the cut keeps things clean, keeps the chips from being recut (they immediately work harden and tear the edges off the mill), it’s cheap, and works. Get a 10x loupe (cheap!) and look, you’ll be surprised at what you see!
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