Amana Tool 45634-k Spektra Extreme 30 degree vbit

Hello All,
I purchased the Amana Tool 45634-k Spektra Extreme 30 degree vbit, but for the world of me I cannot find any feeds and speeds for it. I scanned the bar code on the container but no success. If anyone has any input on this I would be glad to entertain reasonable conversation. TKS



This comes up as a 30 degree tool for me:

45634-K-5 5 Pack Solid Carbide V-Groove 30 Deg x 1/4 Dia x 27/64 x 1/4 Inch Shank Spektra™ Extreme Tool Life Coated Router Bit

Thank you for pointing this out, I will edit my post thanks again.

Clicking directly on your link yields:

" We are sorry, but the page you are looking for cannot be found."

Guess they discontinued the singleton.

Here are my custom tools for 15 and 20 degree vee bit. The 30 degree would not be much different and you can use my tool database as a starting point.

number vendor model URL name type diameter cornerradius flutelength shaftdiameter angle numflutes stickout coating metric notes machine material plungerate feedrate rpm depth cutpower finishallowance 3dstepover 3dfeedrate 3drpm
703 Foos 703 703 15 degree vee vee 0.25 0 0.5 0 15 2 1.5 0 8 14 18000 0.05 0 10 14 18000
704 Foos 704 20 Degree Vee vee 0.25 0 0.5 0 20 2 1.5 0 8 10 18000 0.05 0 10 10 18000