Another CC reference to fix


I prefer complete sentences with punctuation. So 20 characters is a good thing.

An old guy who values writing skills.



But “Thanks, Rob” is a complete sentence with punctuation. Leaving off the trailing dot is common these days, it saves a whole byte of disk space and a byte of transfer. Maybe. At least it feels like a minor accomplishment and speeds up the internet by an astonishingly infinitesimal amount

An old guy who tries to keep up writing skills that were damaged after being an engineer and development programmer for too long



A great fix for that is Literate Programming:

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I agree, comments are important. They can be overdone, had to work with a guy that wrote about a page of comments for every line of code (C iirc), unfortunately the two often didn’t agree and it was full of bugs.

For some reason I’ve been running across a lot of Donald Knuth references lately. The first three volumes of “The Art of Computer Programming” are still on my bookshelf, bought in the early 70s.

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