I really don’t understand your complaint, but would be glad to try to help you if you will allow it. If you would describe some task which you are having difficulty with, I will gladly try to work up a tutorial for it. There are a couple listed here: Shapeoko CNC Router, Rigid, Accurate, Reliable, and Affordable
In particular, I would hope that the Make a Coaster project is straight-forward enough for any novice to complete:
If you’re having difficulties with drawing, this covers a basic aspect:
Unfortunately, Carbide Create’s curve tool is quite limited (off-path nodes must be in-line with the on-path node and equidistant) — anything complex would likely need to be drawn up in some other tool and then imported. If you could share a file which you are having difficulty with, we’d be glad to work with you, and I often fix files, and return them with explanations of what was done from support@carbide3d.com (and checking there I don’t see any unaddressed tickets).