I can’t seem to get the software to trace this image no matter what format I use. Anyone have any ideas?
I can’t seem to get the software to trace this image no matter what format I use. Anyone have any ideas?
I was able to trace without any problems using this file. I got better results with ‘Convert to Curves’ NOT set.
With ‘Convert to Curves’ set, the rounded part of the ‘P’ was better, but many sharp corners were lost:
Seems like CC should be able to do a better job in both cases…
I would totally just redraw that and go for super clean. Wouldn’t take but 5 minutes.
This is a low-resolution image:
which as noted doesn’t trace well with curves:
Import the pixel image as a background reference:
and then adjust where appropriate:
Increasing the fineness of the grid:
Helps in adjusting things:
Attached as a v7 file:
mp.c2d (52 KB)
Thank you guys. I really appreciate it,
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