Anyone selling MeshCam

Is anyone interested in selling a used license for MeshCam?

Used license… Is that even legal?
MeshLab is free…

I think a methlab is illegal, but selling a piece of software should be ok

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So is Meshmixer…and Meshmagic.

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Cool, Never heard of either of those. I will check it out.

I don’t believe MeshLab or MeshMixer or MeshMagic are subtractive CAM tools, but rather 3D utilities.

Lists of 3D CAM tools at:

There are also lists of additional programs to consider at the bottoms of each of those pages — please let us know of anything which should be promoted to a section or which was missed.

As will said, they, along with MeshLab, are not CAM tools. I was being sarcastic. The original request was for a MeshCAM license. MeshLab is not an equivalent to MeshCAM.
I’m sorry for distracting from @JDCNC’s original request.

Justin, you might want to contact Rob at MeshCAM about licensing transfer rules.

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I use Fusion 360 for my CAM software. I have FreeCad as well that are supposed to be able for that, I just haven’t taken the time to look at it very close. Meshlab is good for reducing the number of nodes if fusion puts up a temper tantrum with a project.

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