has available a number of programs which used to be available commercially as was pointed out by @neilferreri
Puzzle My Joint — Generate joints for frames and other wooden items, or create jigsaw puzzle patterns and make them on your CNC machine.
Fingermaker — Make complex finger joints on your CNC machine.
Mazemaker — Generate single or double sided mazes and make them on your CNC machine.
Guillochograph — This is a utility that will generate decorative patterns. It can replicate patterns usually made by Guilloche methods or decorative turning with Rose Engine Lathes.
Missing at this time are Tailmaker itself and the matching fixture design to hold boards at 15 degree angles
Sorry Will, I have no idea. I stumbled on that a while ago, played with it for a few minutes and then put it aside for a time when I’ll have more time. I don’t know much about the software at all.
This is a utility that will generate G-Code for the machining of decorative patterns on CNC machines. It can replicate patterns usually made by Guilloche methods or decorative turning with Rose Engine Lathes. It will generate output as a .dxf file and as .bmp bitmap file to be used in suitable CAM software like VCarve Pro or Aspire (trademarks Vectric).
It will also generate G-code directly as a stand-alone application. For the latter, this software does not need separate CAD or CAM software.