Back plate for a guitar

I designed a cover for the back of my cousin’s guitar.
It has screw holes to screw on the back.
In hind sight, I would have designed with a second pocket, so it would go over the plate where the neck bolts on, and I would use small magnets instead of screws, but pretty cool for the first one.
It was cut with the Shapeoko XXL, using 1/8" ball EM, and designed with Vectric Aspire, by importing a photo, then tracing, and scaling to actual size.
Most of the 3D clip art was free .obj files from Thingyverse, and other 3D sites for 3D printers.


Here it is installed on the guitar, after several coats of cheap, black, spray paint, and poly. The material is pine.
We ended up using Velcro sticky pads to be able to remove it easily for string changes.
One thing, I’m learning, is to not cram too many models onto one piece. It gets confusing to see what you’re looking at :slight_smile:


Hey Jerry, I’ll second that ! Really awesome, Functional art and genuine creativity. Makes me wish I ever learned to play one. Not too crowded for me, people need to slow down and enjoy the artwork not just expect a quick look will show everything. The ceiling on the 16th chapel is so high that all the detail can’t be seen but it is still there. Remember that it is your art and it is wonderful, and again very inspirering (sp?) as always. Thanks, Jude


I second what Jude said. I love artwork that is extremely simple, but I really love artwork that I have to spend some time looking at it, finding the hidden “Easter eggs” and details…plus as a teen I was a pretty big metal head, so I like the subject matter as well, haha!!!

Very cool, keep ‘em comin’!


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