Bamboo clamp set made using an IKEA APTITLIG

Good luck. Show a picture if you finish them.

You used ā€œfurniture insertsā€ ??

Are they the same as wood inserts without the bolts ā€¦ I get wood inserts locally not furniture inserts.

Hello Michael,

I use these type insert nuts that you can buy through Amazon and maybe local:

You need M6 x10 mm or M6 x13 depending on your material thickness.


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Good day Hidde.

I made these clamps and I ordered M6x10mm Threaded Insert Nuts. I have a Shapeoko Pro XXL with that t-track/mdf strips waste board.

I do not get how these adapt and screw down onto the Carbide 3D Teez Nutz that slide in the t-track???

Do the threaded insert nuts go in from the side with the wider, contersunk hole or from the smaller hole? My stock was 3/4" plywood.

Thank you for sharing information, files, tips and being active in the community!



I have an older model that does not use the tracks. My wasteboard has a threaded hole every 50mm.

I am not sure how the new tracks are designed, but I think you should be able to use the clamps with the 6mm t-nuts. However, the bolt length should be adapted to the depth of your stock and waste board so that this does not bottom out. (This is in a way also true for my setup, as my bolts (when too long) bottom out on my bench.)

Another way is to use a t-bolt upside down an place a washer and nut on top. Link

I can amend the L-brackets to a different spacing if you wish so that these will fit your rails? Let me know how these tracks are spaced on your shapeoko?

Kind regards,

Make sure when you order the threaded inserts that you get the proper length. I ordered 3/4 inch for my 3/4 pdf board and they are too long. Duh. Easy fix but better to not have to fix it.

Are the threaded inserts to jack up the back end of the clamp to keep it relatively level? i.e. the bolts donā€™t actually fasten to anything, they just rest on the wasteboard & lift the back end?

How are bamboo cutting boards made? Do they split the bamboo into strands and glue it up. Are the cutting boards end grain or face grain?

I have seen pretty much every arrangement ā€” depends on what one wants to pay for.

That is indeed correct.

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