Hi folks,
I have a newly assembled Shapeoko Pro XXL and have been having a great time with it so far but there is certainly a lot to learn. I have a lot of CAD experience but much less CAM, so an obvious way for me to create my 3D designs is to get better at the CAM piece. I am using Fusion 360 and have found a ton of great information online that I have been digesting. In particular, the Shapeoko CNC A to Z ebook has been super helpful. I’ve been using the simplified feeds & speeds calculator from the ebook as well as checking out gmack’s more complex calculator(s).
I am just trying to cut something rather simple, some construction 2x4s that are whitewood, just for practice.
When thinking through adaptive clearing, something I find a bit confusing is that the simplified calculator recommends 100% → 300% of diameter as DOC for roughing. Looking through the forum though I’ve seen people mention that Shapeoko actually prefers less deep cuts with a larger WOC engagement.
The 2019-09-16 SFPF Workbook specifies explicitly to use 100% of diameter for adaptive clearing and 20% width of cut. Then there is also the AC Router SFPF Workbook Ver.1.1 (2020-04-11) that doesn’t actually specify adaptive clearing recommendations at all.
It’s also a bit unclear to me what a typical range of desired feedrate really is for the Shapeoko Pro. I see it can go up to 200ipm, but what is a sweet zone? After some searching I’ve seen some people mention (not specifically for the Pro) that if you can get up to 2000mm/min (78ipm) that you should probably increase engagement, which seems strange as 78ipm seems kind of slow relative to the max possible 200ipm.
So to that end, my very basic questions I hope you can help me understand are:
For adaptive clearing, what would be your recommendations for the following:
DOC/WOC % for adaptive clearing roughing
DOC/WOC % for finishing contours
DOC/WOC % for finishing pockets
DOC/WOC % for finishing surfaces
Recommended feedrate range for Shapeoko Pro (i.e. 90ipm → 160ipm)?
Does a chipload of 0.001" cause risk of rubbing or is it a decent safe zone?
Max machine force for Shapeoko Pro, is it 18lbf?
If I try to be a bit intuitive about it, I would think finishing a contour you’d want to go with the narrow and deep approach since you are just skimming off a small amount radially. When finishing a face or a pocket I would think you’d want to go shallow and wide, since you are cutting just a small amount of material axially. With roughing, I would expect you want to go deep and narrow based on the ebook suggestions but it seems like you really can’t go as aggressive as 300% diameter for DOC. Is 100% DOC a good sweet zone as specified by the more complex ebook?
Last piece, what % of maximum force and power is recommended when using gmack’s ebook(s)? The cells turn different colors, but it’s unclear if “yellow” is actually ok or if everything should be completely green.
Thanks in advance, sorry for all of the questions! I promise to post some cool stuff once I can figure out this whole Fusion CAM / Speeds & Feeds stuff better