I’m looking for a holder for my brass stamp. When I purchased the Low Profile Vise I thought it will do the job, but when I got it I understand that’s just wrong. So I thought I can make one by my own and my nomads help.
I made this holder out of Renshape I got with my nomad. Made holes, one for the stamp and one for the screw. And it worked! Or that what I thought!
The stamp was really secured , and I put it in the Low Profile Vise. The minute the cutter start to dig in, it started to shake and got out of its place! The cutter cut very deep. I chose 0.1 mm but I think it cut about 1.5 mm in.
This how it looks like. The stamp had an engraving before. My intention was to flatten the stamp so I can worked on a new engraving. I used #102 .125" Flat Cutter. Not sure if the reason was just a wrong choice of a cutter, or is it really a wrong holder!
I’m starting a custom metal stamp engraving, and I don’t have any CNC background. Before I purchased my nomad I came to you guys and asked if it’s for me? And some of you encouraged me and told me: nomad is for the people like me.
But to be honest I haven’t feel so disappointed and so dumb! I’m starting to think if I rushed into this!
I have hundred of questions and don’t even know from where I should start.
What is the right holders for me? Is there many options?
Can I engrave something that is larger than nomad’s table? how can I hold it down?
The problem here is that the screwing down isn’t secure enough — the holder which you made should work in the low profile vise, just cut it in half and then use the holder a sacrificial jaws in that vise.
To expand on the above and answer the two questions which I missed:
workholding is a topic in and of itself, with entire books written on the subject. The community has a wiki page on it which covers many of the options: https://www.shapeoko.com/wiki/index.php/Workholding
we don’t recommend larger than the table size on the Nomad due to the moving table and constraints of the enclosure — theoretically one could bolt a larger plate to the table, then secure stock to it, but that’s unsupported and you’d need to be careful not to bump up against the weight limits of the table
You are describing what I did. Except cutting in a half which I don’t understand why I should do it, but going to follow your advice.
Thank you for the wiki page. But as a beginner, I can’t tell which tool or way is best for me. And to be honest can’t afford buying all this tools just to figure out.
I appreciate if someone could help me, which holder or clamp is best for my work.
As I mentioned before my work basically on brass stamp (25mm and 30mm) circle and square.
Also, there are these metal things in an embossing stamp that I’m going to work in. How can I hold them?
Except cutting in a half which I don’t understand why I should do it, but going to follow your advice.
If you cut the workholder in half on a vertical plane, so that each part has a half cylinder, when you clamp it in the vise, the parts will squeeze the work, holding it securely. This is what he means by “sacrificial vise jaws”. Just be sure to put it in the vise the right way. It is really annoying when you put it in 90 degrees off and the art comes free. To avoid this, I usually make fixtures like this rectangular enough (or use some kind of keying) that I don’t remount it the wrong way when changing parts.
Yep. To expand further on this, check out Apollo’s post on a soft vice for engraving. Same concept, except instead of using the limited flex in HDPE to hold the penny, you would use your vice to clamp your workholder to squeeze your material and hold it in place.