Best CNC I’ll ever have

Hello CNC’ers… I bought a CNC from another manufacturer as my introduction to the hobby of making things on a CNC and had a lot of frustration with it…I’ve since replaced it with a Shapeoko 4 and my first three projects have been a complete success… I’ve learned so much these past few months and want to just reach out to say thank you for your advice and questions… I couldn’t be happier with this machine… and just to think it’s working
so good with my assembly skills… lol…


That’s great to hear that things have been working well!

Please post some pictures though!

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Thanks WillAdams, I will… my wife and I pulled over along the freeway the other day because we saw what looked to be an old dining room set dumped on the side of the road, I didn’t hesitate when I noticed it was solid oak picked it all up put it in the back of my truck brought it back and made several projects from it and then I bought the CNC and the journey begins. I will post a picture, but of course you must realize that it was what I consider an entry-level project that just turned out beautiful. I’ll post tomorrow thanks again. I appreciate it.

If I knew it was gonna turn out this nice I would’ve stained it first… Lol from my previous experiences with my other CNC that I returned.,I was expecting multiple flaws in this attempt on the flag. Much to my surprise it turned out really nice and I feel it’s all because of this CNC that I now have, more to come soon…


How do I add my pictures to the post, it just came up with a link… thanks

You deleted a ) – restoring it got the photo to appear.

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Thanks….lots of learning these few months…

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Your doing well, keep it up!

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Thank, I’m really enjoying it… here’s a project I made today that I’m really proud of…


Wait until you start learning more advanced V-carving and can take some of the ordinary sign designs to the next level with tapered edging, numbers, and letters. Even adding texture on the open areas that seem a bit plain and mundane. In your sign here, for example, you could have added texture in the flat wood area between the border and the numbers, but that is only if you like that kind of design.

I did a basic design of a sign for my parents when I first got my Shapeoko 5 Pro, and all I did was the name, an arrow, and some flourishes. The sign turned out great still, but it was the basic carving of the flourishes and the letters.

Here is a pic of that sign. If I knew then what I know now, I would have done so much more to the sign with effects and design type, but I was in the infancy stage of the programming for my machine and still had a lot to learn.

Good luck to you and keep up the good work and never stop learning.


Thanks for the encouragement Eli, and I like your sign… since I purchased this Shapeoko 4, I have heard nothing but positive feedback from everyone on this forum… it’s just a great experience all around for me…


I made this house sign for my dentist. He swapped for a free crown! I was able to spend some time in the shop and I saved a bundle $$. This house sign has a 3d printed maple leaf done with padauk wood and I inlaid the leaf into some curly maple with a black walnut ring around the perimeter. Fun build. I am using a Shapeoko 3XXL with HDZ and all the upgrades that are available for that machine. I love using the software that comes with the Shapeoko.


Super nice and I love the barter system. I am working on one now in exchange for pressure washing.

Not nearly as fancy as yours though.

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That is a beautiful work of art… absolutely beautiful… well done… I’d love to be able, and I will be one day, to make something like that…