Biggest Cut Size

What is the largest font height a Shapeoko 4 xxl can cut?

120 inch size Agency FB will fit on a 4x8 sheet of plywood:

But that won’t fit on my table???

For a Shapeoko 3/4/Pro, then a sheet of plywood w/ 16" cut off one side to yield a 32" x 96" piece will fit a 115" tall I:

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You have to fit your material between the Y axis and as @WillAdams said above you would have to tile to get a longer sheet of wood through than your table is. So that means you have to have the back open to allow the wood to pass through. You cut the first half and then reposition and cut the second half. There are a bunch of posts here on the forum for tiling if you need to tile.

If you need to rotate your images and/or text 90 degrees you can do that so the finished project will be 32" tall and as long as you tiled for.

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