Best practice is to select the inner features and assign one toolpath to them, then the outer and assign a separate toolpath (see file below). Unfortunately, Carbide Create won’t do the innermost geometry first which would be preferrable.
And cutting went fine (recommend a suitable adhesive tape such as the double-sided carpet tape bundled w/ Nomads) using a #282Z (which may be my new most favourite endmill):
Just to add a bit of knowledge to this posting. There are several different types of bindings for magazines, for numerous reasons. The photo has the two most common magazine bindings. The Hook magazines are what is referred to as “Perfect Bindings” and are intended to be kept on a shelf and used as a reference over time. The advantages include that the title and date is readable on the binding when shelved and when laid down, they lay flatter than other options. This justifies their additional cost.
The Model Railroader magazines are “Saddle Stitch Bindings” and, by philosophies of times long past, are intended for “true periodicals,” magazines read today and then disposed of. However, Model Railroader’s editors will tell you they desire that you to keep their magazines as references into the future. Saddle Stitching makes it harder to locate the target back copy. Other issues with Saddle Stitching include, as the number of pages increase, the inner pages become narrower. As addressed earlier, Saddle Stitch publications do not lay as flat as Perfect Binding publications. As their stacks get taller, the more likely you will have to alternate the bindings orientation to avoid the risk of “magazine slides.” Also, it is much easier to firmly attach those annoying segment inserts in Saddle Stitching, in Perfect Bindings they are simply “throw-ins” between the pages.
As paper weights, thicknesses, increase, the more likely Perfect Bindings will be required. Cost is significant between the two styles. When I was the editor of The Hook a quick check of costs showed that we could cut printing costs per issue by approximately 20% by switching bindings. Not an option for our purposes of documenting U.S. Naval Aviation history. Our printer used corn starch between the pages to keep them from “gluing” together. That annoying facet where two pages stick together. You will never feel that corn starch if you try to wipe the page. Interesting.