Bit Setter Slow and Crashes into Sensor During Initialization

When I start the initialization with the Bit Setter, it doesnt fail but it concerns me. The bit will go down and touch the setter once then go up to set a second time. But instead of going up an inch or so the router actually goes all the way to the top and hits the sensor then starts to go down. But it goes down at the slow speed. Takes a couple minutes to hit the probe.

Everything was working since the last time i used the CNC. Any thoughts? I tried powering off the machine a coupe times and retesting. Same result.

What do you have the Z-axis configured for in Grbl configuration?

Which Z-axis do you have?

Will as soon as you said that I knew the problem. i use lightburn on the Shapeoko as well and forgot to set the GRBL back to CNC use. All working now. Thank you.

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