Bit Zero Failure

When I attempted to use my Bit Zero today it failed. I checked the connections and they all appear to be good. I do get the red and green lights. When the process begins the bit begins to lower down into the corner pocket and that’s when I get a failure notice. My machine is the XXL 3.

What do I need to do to get this working?


What does the unit indicate as an Active Input on the Settings pane when testing?

Please contact us at and we’ll do our best to sort this out w/ you.

If you start the probe too far above the BitZero you’ll get this error too. I’m not sure exactly what the maximum distance is, but I’m pretty sure it’s less than an inch… maybe even half an inch.

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I believe that you have to be within 12MM (1/2") of the BitZero otherwise you will get a time out. If the bit is too far above you get a failure.

You mentioned you get the green and red light. If you touch the magnet to the BitZero the light should change. As Will asked go into settings and see what you active inputs are without touching the BitZero. Then touch your magnet to the BitZero and see if the active input changes. You just may be too far from the BitZero to start with.

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So you have a BitSetter V.2?
Maybe Motion is set to use V.1?


Will: Please give me a few days. I have come down with something that has knocked me for a loop. I will get back with you.

Not the case. I had used it two days prior without problems and haven’t changed any setting. Thanks for the attempt though.


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