Bit zero probing stuck at busy

I have come back to my Nomad 3 after an extended break. My old PC host has died in the meantime and been replaced with a MacBook, all the licences are renewed and Create and Motion are installed at the latest versions. So in a way, I’m a newbie again, but with the added expectation of how it should be working.

I have run into a problem with probing, using the V2. I load the dowel pin and manually jog the dowel into the probe “cup” and click “PROBE”. The Nomad does its little shuffle dance in the hole, climbs out and touches the top. Then it tells me I need to remove the ground clip, which I do and then Carbide Motion just sits there with a “BUSY” label.

The zero probed position hasn’t been applied because the position XYZ values don’t correspond to what they should be with the zero origin values just determined.

The door is properly shut and I know the door sensor works because it tells me when it is opened.

The “BUSY” label only goes away when I select “STOP”.

Anyone have any ideas on the problem?

If you have a BitZero check that the magnet/clip is not grounded. The BitZero and BitSetter are interconnected. Some people have let the magnet/clip touch the frame or the BitZero and causes the BitSetter to malfunction. I dont have a nomad but the controller is the same as for a Shapeoko.

Thanks Guy. I went through this process three times before I posted, with the same error resulting. I just tried again and it worked. So, I don’t know … but at least I’m away again.

Edit: No I’m not. New stock into the vice, new probe cycle and, stuck at BUSY again.

Ahh. I think if I removed the probe, (which triggers the “door open” warning), then close the door then click OK to the dialog box … it hangs. If instead I first click OK to the dialog box, then let the length probe run, then remove the probe magnet from the door sensor … then it works.

I’ve explored this a little further.

When I remove the V2 probe, in particular the little magnet that is attached to the door sensor, and then shut the door again properly, the controller sees the door open and close again.

If this happens before the tool length probing is complete, that probing will not continue and not restart. I have to allow the length probe to finish before I can remove the V2 probes door sensor magnet.