Bitrunner V2 displaying wrong RPM

Using carbide motion 618. When the popup displays to set the router rpm to XXX, it’s giving the incorrect speed. My file RPM is 16000, but it’s displaying to set it to 24000. Anyone else had this same issue?

I am running t he latest v7 of CC and the latest CM. I also get the 24000 rpm message. I just ignore the message and hit resume and go on. This problem has been posted several times and is a bug in the software.

A secondary issue with the 24000 RPM is it is telling you to set on a certain spot on the dial. I have a Dewalt 611 and the dial position would be wrong for 24000 RPM anyway. I suppose that position would be ok for a Makita but I am not running a Makita.

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I wrote a detailed post yesterday about this same issue for the new CM620 beta version regarding the wrong speed displayed on the RPM change popup message with tool changes. I have sent multiple detailed messages to support requesting to have this bug fixed since CM617. I’m still waiting for it to be fixed. Maybe CM621 will correct this?

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