I’m new to CNC
Bought a shapeoko 4xxl, got my machine working, but i’m having issues when doing a cut through, after setting my x,y,z axis and measuring my thickness with a caliper, my router will cut a good 1/4" into my table
When try a rapid to current z it looks right
I tried resetting, even reinstalling.
In my toolpath when i choose “use stock bottom” for the max depth, I need to subtract 5 mm so it doesn’t cut into the table
Any ideas?
I had almost the same problem on the 5 pro today. Still trying to figure it out.
What is the Carbide Create “Simulation” showing on the cut?
Hit zero z before doing anything. I don’t understand why but until you do that zeroing z won’t work. (You have to do zero z once and you don’t care where in z you actually are, then a second time for real)
Looks normal I see my my cut through and the tabs.
How do you set your z height on the stock?
I position my bit directly on top using a piece of paper then do a set 0 on the Z axis.
What I can’t figure out is it only affects the the overall stock thickness, when I carve a pocket It seems to be the correct depth.
Do you have the correct Z configured for your machine? The Z Plus and the HDZ have different steps per inch. If the software thinks you have one and you really have the other then stuff like that can happen.
Thank you for your response
That was my issue, had HDZ in my setup option but I have a Z- plus
Works like a charm