Bitsetter Move to current Position grayed out

am having issue with the new software on my Shapeoko 3. I went to do the machine setup and setup my bit setter. The "move to current position button is grayed out. Does anyone know how to fix this issue. I am using 618 software.

You have to “Move to default position” and the adjust the position and save it before there is a “Current Position” to move to.

For some reason the default position is in the back of CNC is that correct

The Default position should be close to the BitSetter — what type and size machine are you setting up?

Sorry was wrong. It does go to the front. i have a shapeoko 2 XXL. However my limit switch a placed a little different so it hits end of travel before before it gets to the default location

You will need to adjust things so that it doesn’t run out of travel — probably the best thing to do would be to calibrate for belt stretch:

which should get you in the ball-park.

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