Bitsetter not working!

So I finally wanted to try bitsetter on my shapeoko pro xl. I had connected the wire like it should when I assembled the machine. Then I turned on the bitsetter and set it up like it should. BUT. When I first tried it the machine just keeps on lowering the Z and not stopping on the bitsetter!! I had to turn of the machine because it (once again) sounded like it is going to break something. WTF!! I’ve had nothing but issues and I haven’t even cut anything yet and I got the machine like 2 months ago.

Can you help me out? I will connect to the support too, but it takes time to get answer from them…

The light turns on but it doesn’t do anything else…

When the button is pressed, what shows under Active Inputs under Settings in Carbide Motion?

Let us know at

Where can I see that?

Go to the Settings tab in Carbide Motion, the Active Pins section is at the bottom of the window and should say “PROBE” when you manually press the bitsetter plunger

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It just say no active pins

There is probably an issue in the wiring, the signal from the BitSetter activation does not seem to find its way to the controller.

While you wait for an answer from support try double checking the BitSetter connection at the controller side ?

Does a blue LED light up at the controller side when you push the bitsetter button? (I guess not)

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No blue LED lighting up…

Same thing is happening to me… 4xxl and installed bitsetter today. No lights either. I am going to check wiring in the morning. Curious to see what you find out.

I’m still waiting for the support email answer. I’m several hundred kilometers away from my machine at the moment, but I’m going to check the GRBL PCB when I get back. Could be a cold solder too because the wire seems to be ok. Hopefully not a connector issue(again). I just “solved” (at least temporarily) my other connector issues by removing all the cable ties and swapped x- and z-motor wire extensions. My proximity switches had some connection issues also, but I’ve managed to initialize the machine now everytime I’ve tried. Atleast I’m starting to get very, VERY familiar with the machine and it’s hickups :sweat_smile:

Btw just checked the calibration and it is spot on. Needed just a bit of tramming, but G91 G0 X800 move gives me exactly 800mm of movement. Same thing with the Y axis. Just realized I still need to check the accuracy of Z-axis…

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