BitZero v1 Issue - front probe offset

Didn’t find this exact issue in my searching. I am trying to zero just the Y axis off a Carbide Corner that is mounted to the spoilboard. I used the BitZero overhanging the bottom left corner of the clamp (like you would for X,Y,Z) and chose Front probing, which looked proper. I am using an 1/8" endill and it is selected in the probing window.

However, my Y zero is off by what looks to be the thickness of the BitZero overhang (~8mm). Went back through this again twice and it still zeroes to the same spot. Z and X are exactly where I expect them to be.

What’s that first pic showing?

It’s showing where the “back” edge of the clamp/pocket should be on the Y axis. I have a straight level laying against the inside of corner clamp from the second photo.

@neilferreri Since a picture’s worth more -

I noticed last night when I was using my machine on CM 519 that the graphic showing you where to place the BitZero V1 for front and left offsets is wrong. It should not be overhanging the location, it should be directly on top of it. I would like the option to do either in the software. Unless it is fixed in the latest update, the graphic showing you where to place the BitZero is incorrect. I was going to make a topic about this but haven’t got around to taking the screenshots to illustrate the issue.

@nwallace Are you saying it’s incorrect because it conflicts with the verbiage? I don’t see how it could locate the front or side without overhanging, as it could bump the probe off location.

I noticed the same discrepancy - it has the same language as Z probe “Position probe on surface”.

I think when they added the V2 the image changed but they didn’t update the programmed offset. Prior to the change, it had always been the probe on top of the location and not overhanging it. Both ways have their uses but right now, the image guiding you how to do it is wrong. The BitZero should not overhang the location for both left and front offsets right now. Can’t remember who to tag about this but I bet @Julien would know.

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Got it, I will try that out. It makes sense that you could position the probe anywhere along the front edge of your material, just seems less repeatable. Will confirm if this fixes my offset.

Honestly I can’t answer since I don’t have a BitZero v2 so I never noticed.
@robgrz would be the guy for the situation, or maybe @WillAdams knows (whether this has already been reported?)

The graphic is correct. You’re doing it correctly, @theworkshope. If you jog to 0,0,0 is it off? Hoping your machine isn’t way out of square.
Maybe an issue with the new Motion.

No, the graphic is not correct. If you are doing all 3 directions at the same time it is correct but if you are only doing the front or the left, it is not. I triple verified this last night. This is also why he is off exactly the overhang of the BitZero V1. When using the V1 and trying to set the front or left offset individually, you must not overhang the intended zero. This is how the older versions of CM graphics directed you. The new versions show it differently.


Moving bit zero on top fixed the issue. I did not see any other problems with 0,0.


I should read threads before I reply. I thought @theworkshope was probing XYZ.
I didn’t even realize that you could probe individual axes in Motion.
You’d have to have it on top to probe a single axis, and you’d have to hold it in place and hope you’re a precision tool.

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Located the edge with another precision surface worked just fine.

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