BitZero V1 with CM build618 problem

-I just install the CM buid618 for Windows,
-when I start the probing routine it ask me to select the probe version V1 or V2, so I select V1,
-I select Z probing

  • and before going any further I check if the LED go red if I manually touch the probe to the bit (the alligator clip is on the the bit) and the led turn red.
  • So when i place the bit on top of the probe and start the process, the Z axis go down and then the bit touch the probe the led go red,
    -but the Z do not stop going down , I have to hit the emergency because the Z axis is forcing is way down.
    I know with the previous CM version the Zero probing was working.

What can i do for troubleshooting my problem. Is there some code in the GRBL config that need to be set?

That should be it.

Let us know at and we will puzzle this out with you.

Thanks I will send a message to support, thanks

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