BitZero V2 ground clip unnecessary?

I have a 5 Pro with the 65mm VFD spindle, and I noticed the other day that I had failed to attach the ground clip when using the BitZero 2… but zero finding worked fine anyway! It appears that perhaps the BitZero and spindle both connect to a common ground.

I grabbed my multimeter and did measure a small amount of resistance (about 50Ω) between the BitZero ground clip and the spindle, but doing some testing with zero-finding with and without the ground clip I can find no difference in functionality, and such a small resistance seems unlikely to cause and damage to the measurement circuit (which almost certainly has a much larger resistor already, to keep the current very small).

Has anyone else noticed this? I’m considering just taping off my ground clip, since after noticing this and experimenting with it I have just stopped using the clip.

I think the clip is likely required for the trim router configuration.

It works until it doesn’t, and one breaks a tool because there is a thin film of grease on all the bearings.

Yes, might work, as long as a proper grounding is performed, means that really every metal part is connected to ground. BUT! as William said, it works until it doesn’t.

At least check with touching the bit with the BitZero before placing it, showing the LED on with contact. However: attaching the magnet is such an easy task that I do not risk breaking a bit just to save me that less than a second.