Bitzero V2 Shapeoko and Nomad

Hi all,

I have seen the old topic with the different connectors.

Quick question…for those who own both machines: How do you handle this?

Will @carbide Is there going to be an adaptor to use them on both machines?

If not, can you specify the connectors, so I could sort out a solution myself?

I can’t really get myself into buying to of them if the connector is the only difference.

As usual, any help / hint appreciated.



The connector for the BitSetter on a Nomad 3 is different from that on a Shapeoko — you can see this difference in the documentation.

Not sure what the specific connector is for the Nomad 3 — for the Shapeoko it’s Molex KK, which I believe is called out at:

or see:

Hi Will, thanks for your quick reply.

I have a feeling the best is to go with a separate Bitzero for each machine then…


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