Boarder Collie Image

Hi everyone I am exhausting allmy avenues of trying to get an image suitable to carve a boarded collie.Tried Cnc clip art,Cnc planet and google.Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction.Much appreciated.

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There are many references / links to dog heads on Pinterest that refer to sites on Etsy. Most of them that I’ve looked at are PNG files, so there’s that.

What/How are you trying to carve? 3D, silhouette, engrave a line drawing, several layered colors, inlay??? The image needed will vary depending on your strategy.

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First, find a suitable image.

Considerations are:

File format

  • DXF — 2D vector file usually used for CAD
  • SVG — 2D vector file usually used for online images
  • PNG/JPEG (possibly also JPG)/BMP — pixel image files — these may be imported to a background layer and used as a reference or Image Traced to create a 2d vector representation (if black-and-white)


  • public domain — something created before 1929 or which was explicitly placed in the public domain by action of the content creator, the content creator being an entity not entitled to copyright (U.S. Government, a large-language-model, …)
  • creative commons — a design explicitly released under a permissive license which allows sharing
  • copyrighted image which it will be necessary to purchase a license for

Here is a public domain image of a border collie (note spelling, getting that right will help in searching) in JPEG format (will need to be traced):


Pick one, download it and then import into the program:

Trace Image


center the image:

Assign a Toolpath:

Attached as a v8 file:

border_collie_head_v8.c2d (456 KB)


Hi Tod,if I could I would like to do something like this but Will has another option which I will try.

Thanks Will,I will do one today.

For that you will need to make or find or buy a 3D model or pixel image height/depth map.

I found this model for free. Border Collie Dog by Jochem | Download free STL model |

Downloaded it & pulled it up in NX. I rotated it so it was sitting broadside, then split it down the centerline & re-saved the .stl. Then imported it into CC on top of a 1/4" base


Assigned a rough & finish 3D path…

The model is not super detailed, but it looks nice.

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Alternately, a custom tool for this is:

Previously discussed here:

and see:

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Hi Will that’s what I need but I am on a Mac so it is not an option for me.

That is great Tod, pulled it up on the Prusa site and having trouble splitting it will try in the morning

I am still learning Blender, which is a whole world unto itself. It really is an amazing program.

Blender has (at least) two add-ons that can create “bas relief” from a 3d model:


I haven’t used either one, but plan on checking them out because they seem like a reasonable and affordable alternative to Relief Maker.

Thanks all for the help,Tod you would be proud of me I managed to split the dog on Prusa and get it ready to carve,probably on Friday,I have not played around with the 3D gear so I surprised myself.Will I am also going to carve out your image and fill with Epoxy.

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Not my image, it was from:

Tod,my first test of the collie,I am surprised how well it came out,need to do a few mods to it and should good to go.


Along the bottom edge, note that 3D toolpaths cut to the line, so will overcut by up to their radius, depending on how the 3D model interacts with the tool geometry and the curve/shape which defines the area for the 3D toolpath.


Hi all that helped me get these boarder collie images to a finished article,the kids will get them in the morning.


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